By: TSHA Advocacy Team of Lori Colletti, Vice President for Advocacy; Mark Hanna, Legal and Legislative Counsel; and Larry Higdon, Director of Legislation
The 89th Session of the Texas Legislature is underway. Below are some key dates for this session:
- The opening session for the Senate and House of Representatives was January 14.
- The last day for filing bills to be considered during the 89th Session is March 14 (60 days after the opening of the session).
- There will be many dates set by a rule during the session that limits when a bill from the other chamber can be heard. Those dates will become available soon.
- Sine die for the 89th session will be June 2nd.
- The governor has 20 days to sign a bill, let it go into law without his signature, or veto a bill after sine die (for bills passed on the last day of the session).
What Can/Should I Do NOW as an Advocate for the Professions?
- Write/email your representative a brief congratulatory note representing your district.
- Briefly identify yourself as an speech-language pathologist (SLP)/audiologist and where you work.
- Offer your assistance as a local resource when there is legislation related to communication sciences and related disorders coming before the legislature.
- Write/email your senator a brief note thanking him/her for their service representing your district.
- Briefly identify yourself as an speech-language pathologist (SLP)/audiologist and where you work.
- Offer your assistance as a local resource when there is legislation related to communication sciences and related disorders coming before the legislature.
Tips for Contacting Your Legislators
- Collect your facts. Most bills will have a number to refer to when contacting a member of the legislature or their staff.
- Contact your senator and/or representative and clearly identify the bill by number (e.g. SB 107) that you wish to discuss or offer an opinion regarding.
- It is alright to visit with legislative staff. They often know more about specific legislation and work on it daily. If a bill is being heard and the legislator doesn’t know a lot about it, he will call the responsible staff member and ask if they have had any input from the district. We want the answer to be yes.
- Be concise! For example, please vote FOR HB … regarding the Interstate Compact bill for speech-language pathology and audiology." If time allows, it is helpful to briefly state why it is important to you and his/her constituents in the district. The TSHA governmental team will offer suggestions for wording when a bill is contentious.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I address legislators when communicating with them?
- The Honorable (Full Name) if addressing them via snail mail.
- Or via email, use Dear Senator ____ or Dear Representative _____.
- How do I find out who my legislator is and bill information?
What Actions Will TSHA Take To Support Members in Their Advocacy?
- When a bill of importance to the professions is scheduled for a committee hearing or floor debate, TSHA will notify you via Capitol Watch. Often there is very little notice or time to contact your legislator. Before the date and time of the hearing on the bill PLEASE email or call your legislator of your support or opposition to the bill if they sit on the committee hearing the bill.
- If you need help being an advocate for TSHA and the professions, you may always contact the TSHA governmental team!
Issues the TSHA Governmental Team Will Be Monitoring with a Priority Status as the Session Begins:
- Interstate compact bills. Our bill has yet to be filed and given a bill number in either the Senate or House. Our sponsors are: Senator Angela Paxton and Rep. Ryan Guillen.
- School choice legislation. The foregone conclusion is that Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Patrick have enough votes to pass “some sort” of yet-to-be-determined school choice package this session. We have not seen what the leadership plans to propose.
- School funding. Of particular concern for TSHA is special education funding.
- Medicaid funding and insurance reimbursement legislation.
- View TSHA's 2025 Advocacy Agenda
Thank you for your help and support during this legislative session!
- Larry Higdon and Mark Hanna, our advocacy team in Austin