Over the past four years, the Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association (TSHA) Diversity Committee has dedicated itself to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) within the organization and the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology. In coordination with the TSHA Executive Board, TSHA is proud to share our recently approved Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Statement
TSHA promotes an environment of anti-racism and belonging by developing and operationalizing an organizational structure committed to the ongoing process of fostering an equitable, accessible, and inclusive professional community for an increasingly diverse TSHA membership.
We are dedicated to educating and empowering our membership as well as eliminating barriers and providing opportunities for current and future clinicians by encouraging culturally responsive education and clinical practices that honor culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
You can view this statement on the TSHA website at https://www.txsha.org/About/About-Us. Stay tuned for an August 2024 Communicologist article to learn more about the Diversity Committee, their work, and how they developed this statement.