Capitol Watch is the TSHA Legislative Team’s vehicle for keeping members informed of activity at the state capitol and in other state regulatory meetings.
If you have questions regarding this or other Capitol Watch postings, please contact a member of the TSHA Legislative Team:
Legislative Information
Anything you want to know about the legislative process can be found online.
- Who your State Senator or Representative is.
- How to contact them at their district office or capitol office
- The legislative process for passing a bill
- How your Senator or Representative voted on a bill
- Bills filed and their status
- Bill content and amendments
- Bills passed or failed
And much more!
Texas Legislature Online
Important Dates for 88th Legislative Session
- Tuesday, January 10: Regular session began
- Friday, March 10: 60 day deadline for bill filing
- Monday, May 29: Sine die
The TSHA Legislative Team will begin posting filed bills that have potential effect on the Association and/or the professions, on our Website. Our position on a bill may change based on input from members, amendments added to a bill, or additional information received.
Now is a good time to contact your legislators and let them know your position on topics of interest to you and the Association. They are spending half of the week in Austin and half at home. Since the state will have an extra $33 Billion to spend this Session – tell your legislators how you want it spent. Many have expressed and interest in spending much of it on education. TSHA is opposed to voucher funds being spent in special education. The TSHA Legislative Team will attempt to keep you informed of all Capitol activities.
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