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School Choice Legislation SB 8
The Texas Senate Education Committee will begin consideration of SB 8 on Wednesday, March 22. If signed into law, Senate Bill 8 would give families up to $8,000 in taxpayer money per student to pay for private schooling through an educational savings account.
Texas schools currently receive a base allotment of $6,160 per student each year. A TSHA survey in the Houston area showed the cost of providing adequate services for students with special needs averaged $14,000 per year. School choice legislation diverting money from the public schools to private schools decreases a school district’s capability of providing the quality of care necessary in our special education programs to meet IDEA standards and the needs of our students. Private schools do not have to comply with the federal standards to which the Texas public schools must comply. School choice will cause administrative chaos in hiring professional staff to meet the needs of special education students.
Take Action Now
The Texas Senate is already leaning toward passage of this bill. Contact your state senator and let them know how you feel about this bill. (Don't use your school or hospital email address. Use your personal email address.) Give personal example(s) of the detrimental effects this legislation would have on the schools—and particularly special education—in your town/district.
How Do I Contact My Senator?
Please click below to visit Texas Legislature Online, identify your state senator, and learn how to contact them. Be sure to use your personal email address and not your school or hospital email address when contacting your state senator. Any questions? Please contact your TSHA Legislative Team.
Texas Legislature Online
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Please visit the Texas Legislature Directory, find your Senator's Twitter handle, log into your Twitter account and click the button below to automatically draft a tweet from your personal Twitter account to share TSHA's stance on School Choice Legislation SB 8. Be sure to tag your Senator before sending the tweet!
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