Capitol Watch is the TSHA Legislative Team’s vehicle for keeping members informed of activity at the state capitol and in other state regulatory meetings.
If you have questions regarding this or other Capitol Watch postings, please contact a member of the TSHA Legislative Team:
Teacher Pay Raise Legislation
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists are not specifically included in the Education Code or any of the Teacher Pay Raise bills that have been filed to date.
What Can I Do Now?
- Email, write, and/or call your senator and representative.
- Most legislators only vaguely know who we are and what we do or what we contribute to children's learning.
- Remember that you are the communication expert. Offer your contact information to be their expert on legislation relating to communication and related disorders!
- Use your own mobile number and email address. Don’t use your school contact information. Be sure they know you are a constituent living in their district.
- If they ask a question you don’t have an answer for, ask the TSHA Legislative Team and get back to them or have them contact us.
What is My Ask?
- Specifically include speech-language pathologists and audiologists in any Teacher Pay Raise bill!
- Remind them we are considered “instructional” by TEA.
- Share your “workload” and how many children are on your schedule.
- Share examples of the types of disabilities included in your workload.
- Give local example(s) without using names.
- Share how bad the shortage of SLPs and audiologists is in the schools (your district) and how a pay raise would help significantly.
- Share the need for a pay raise to aid in the retention of SLPs and audiologists.
When Do I Need To Contact My Legislators?
Now is the right time to give your legislators the critical information that will help them make the educated choice when voting on the Teacher Pay Raise bills.
Texas Legislature Online
2023 TSHA Capitol Visit
Advocating for Our Professions
Over 30 speech-language pathologists and audiologists participated in a Capitol Visit during our Annual Convention last month. Check out this Instagram Reel to go inside the experience.
You don't need to be in Austin to advocate! Reach out to your legislators with the tips in this email to keep the feedback going!
Legislative Information
Anything you want to know about the legislative process can be found at Texas Legislature Online.
- Identify your State Senator or Representative
- Find out how to contact them (district office or capitol office)
- Bills filed and their status
- Bill content and amendments
- Bills passed or failed
- And much more!
TSHA Legislative Tracker