The TSHA Political Action Committee
- Protects your license and right to practice in the state of Texas – which is dictated by state law, not federal law.
- Monitors issues that affect your job, licensure, reimbursement, and quality of service.
- Is your voice at the Texas Capitol, advocating to lawmakers and state agencies.
- Offers support including legislative advocacy, monitoring state licensure rules and regulatory agencies on your behalf.
FAQs About the PAC
What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?
A PAC is a group that bands together under a unified mission to support candidates for public office. Operating as a non-profit, unincorporated and non-partisan group, a PAC can receive and distribute contributions to election campaigns. A PAC can only solicit contributions from individuals associated with a specific organization/association.
A PAC gives an organization greater ability to advocate before elected officials and in state capitols. It provides the resources to hold elected officials accountable. PACs are identified with a core set of issues that the sponsoring organization seeks to advance.
What is the mission of TSHA PAC?
The TSHA PAC is a group of speech-language pathologists and audiologists who operate as a separate legal entity from the Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association (TSHA) which can receive and distribute contributions to Texas election campaigns.
The mission of the TSHA PAC is to support legislative candidates for state office whose records and policy positions demonstrate an understanding of our fields, and those in a position to further the goals of TSHA in the areas of licensure, education, and healthcare.
Why does TSHA need a PAC?
Bi-annually in Texas, legislation is enacted that greatly impacts members of our profession and individuals with speech, language and hearing disorders. It has become more and more evident over the years that financial support through campaign donations to legislators who are not only in a position to assist our professions but also devote time and effort to support our cause is increasingly important.
With Sunset Review upon us, the efforts of the TSHA PAC are more critical than ever.
Why should I participate in the TSHA PAC?
The cost of maintaining a strong legislative presence in Austin continues to rise. The Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association Political Action Committee (TSHA PAC) needs your financial support. The purpose of the TSHA PAC is to encourage the support of legislation which addresses the needs of the professions in all work settings. The PAC raises money for contributions to candidates for state office who are supportive of TSHA’s legislative goals. It is an effective way to ensure that our voices are heard.
By donating money to the PAC each year, you can help us gain access to decision-makers during the legislative session so we can inform the legislators of the importance of our professions and the necessity of maintaining the highest professional standards to ensure that our consumers receive quality services. You can support the TSHA PAC by contributing money, volunteering your time and helping share the mission of TSHA and the TSHA PAC.
How does the TSHA PAC determine who to support?
The TSHA PAC uses four basic criteria for supporting or endorsing a candidate:
- Local recommendations from TSHA members and Key Contacts in the candidate’s district;
- For incumbents, their voting history on legislation affecting speech-language pathologists and audiologists, in addition to other factors.
- For challengers and open seats, TSHA PAC considers each candidate’s philosophy and position on our core issues; and,
- Assessment of candidate’s ability to win based on a statistical analysis of the district’s election.
How much money can I give to the TSHA PAC?
The TSHA PAC can accept cash contributions up to $100. There is no limit to a contribution made by check or credit card. All contributions to the TSHA PAC must be given from personal funds. No corporate contributions are accepted.
Are PAC contributions voluntary?
Contributions to the TSHA PAC are voluntary and do not affect one's standing in any professional organization.
Where do contributions go and how are those funds used?
Contributions to the TSHA PAC are used to create a collective political force that can influence social and governmental policy dealing with the issues relating to our professions by way of donations to election campaigns. We contribute to candidates who share our concerns on matters such as licensure, education, and health care.
These issues do not divide neatly among party line and as a result, donations are made to election campaigns of candidates who are in a position to support our professions. The TSHA PAC does not give by party affiliations but rather to candidates who support TSHA and who are in a position to help our mission.
Why should I give to the TSHA PAC vs. making a personal contribution to a particular candidate?
The TSHA PAC carefully considers each candidate before making a contribution to their campaign. By pooling resources, we have the ability to have a strong, effective voice as we further the mission of our professions and voice our concerns regarding pending changes.
Are there rules I need to be aware of when talking about or soliciting funds for the TSHA PAC at my workplace?
Ensure that your place of work is aware and in agreement of your efforts to solicit funds and share information on behalf of the TSHA PAC.
Can anyone ask for contributions or ask for support on behalf of the TSHA PAC?
TSHA PAC contributions may be solicited from TSHA members only.
Will my contribution to the TSHA PAC be reported?
The Texas Election Code requires that the TSHA PAC report the name, address, and dates of the contributions from each person that exceed $50 and that are accepted during the reporting period.
How can I support the TSHA PAC?
You can support the TSHA PAC by contributing money, volunteering your time and helping share the mission of TSHA and the TSHA PAC.
Donate to the TSHA Political Action Committee
Contributions to the TSHA PAC are used to create a collective political force that can influence social and governmental policy dealing with the issues relating to our professions by way of donations to election campaigns. We contribute to candidates who share our concerns on matters such as licensure, education, and health care.
These issues do not divide neatly among party line and as a result, donations are made to election campaigns of candidates who are in a position to support our professions. The TSHA PAC does not give by party affiliations but rather to candidates who support TSHA and who are in a position to help our mission.
Donate Now