Communicologist is the official bi-monthly newsletter of the Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association (TSHA) and is a forum for distributing current information relevant to the practices of speech-language pathology and audiology across the state. The newsletter provides the TSHA membership with the latest news from the Executive Board and Task Forces, as well as information about regional associations, distinguished service providers, the TSHA Annual Convention, and committee honors and nominations. Communicologist also contains advertisements of interest to the field.
Read the February 2025 Issue
Browse the Communicologist Archives*
*Communicologist archives are a TSHA member benefit. Log into your member account to access any past editions.
Guidelines for Submissions
- The deadline for submission is one month prior to the mail date of the next publication. The Communicologist is mailed on the first day of December, February, April, June, August, and October.
- Submissions may include original photos for publication, “around the state” items, Task Force reports (after approval by monitoring Vice President), information on regional associations, and Texas authors.
- Send submissions to the TSHA Headquarters or the appropriate editor. Ad copy may be sent by email or on CD or USB flash drive to TSHA Headquarters by the deadlines listed above. Contact the TSHA for specific file requirements. Electronic submissions are preferred. Email publications@txsha.org with questions.
- Display advertisements must be camera-ready. Specify issue date(s) when sending artwork and fill out the Advertising Form.
- Display advertising may include:
- Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) or audiologists seeking employment
- Employers with speech-language pathology jobs available
- SLPs or audiologists offering to sell/buy professional goods/services
- Vendors servicing the practices of speech-language pathology or audiology
- Universities or educational/training entities offering programs or services relevant to speech-language pathology or audiology.
Submit an Article
Communicologist Editor
Jan Lougeay
Advertise in Communicologist
Lead Banner Ad | $800
Centered at the top of Communicologist, directly below the masthead. Advertisers purchasing the lead banner ad receive premium placement and may also submit a link to their website. Limited to one (1) advertiser per issue
Bundled Price: Six (6) banner ads in six (6) issues of the Communicologist for $3,000
- All artwork must be provided in at least a 150 dpi JPEG or GIF format. Four-color, static RGB graphics are accepted.
- Advertisement may link to outside website. Please provide link at the time of artwork submission.
- Advertisement must be approved by TSHA prior to posting.
Sponsored Post | $2,500
Advertisers can sponsor the entire issue of the Communicologist. Advertisers purchasing sponsored post will receive a lead banner ad as well as their companies name in the subject line of the issue.
- All artwork must be provided in at least a 150 dpi JPEG or GIF format.
- Four-color, static RGB graphics are accepted.
- Advertisement may link to outside website. Please provide link at the time of artwork submission.
- Advertisement must be approved by TSHA prior to posting.
Contact TSHA to place your order
Payment due prior to ad display. All ads must be emailed to the TSHA State Office at staff@txsha.org before the deadline.