Thank you in advance for sharing your expertise at the 68th TSHA Annual Convention. On this page, you will find important deadlines, travel information, and answers to frequently asked questions to make your experience as smooth and fulfilling as possible. The 2024 TSHA speaker marketing kits will be available in November 2023.
Download PowerPoint Template
Poster Setup
You are required to set-up your poster between 8:00am – 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 OR 8:00am - 9:00am on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Your poster must be removed by Friday, February 23, 2024 at 5:00pm. The Exhibit Hall will be closing and exhibitors will begin packing up their booths at this time. TSHA assumes no responsibility for posters left in the hall after this time.
- Your printed poster should fit within these dimensions: 4 feet tall by 8 feet wide (1.22m x 2.44m/landscape).
- Tacks will be provided, but poster authors should bring any other materials necessary to mount their own poster.
- When setting up your poster, please identify the correct location by finding your poster number as indicated on the upper right hand corner of each board. Your poster number is listed in the conference management tool.
Poster Presentations and Awards
New this year, TSHA will be awarding three poster awards to a student presenter, a professional presenter, and an overall award. To be considered for an award, all posters must be uploaded into the speaker portal no later than February 9, 2024.
Speaker How-To Video
Please refer to the speaker portal and speaker letter for the time when you will be required to be available to present your poster in the poster hall.
Mark Your Calendar for Important Dates
- November 2023: Registration opens
- Thursday, November 9, 2023 12-12:30 PM CT: Speaker Office Hours #1
- Tuesday, December 12, 2023 12-12:30 PM CT: Speaker Office Hours #2
- Wednesday, January 31, 2024 12-1PM CT: Speaker Office Hours #3
- Friday February 9, 2024 - All PowerPoints and handouts are due in the speaker portal.
- Thursday, February 22- Saturday, February 24: TSHA Annual Convention Fort Worth, TX
If you have any questions or require additional information, contact the TSHA Programming Committee at
Share the News
We've made it easy for you to tell your colleagues and peers that you're presenting at the TSHA Annual Convention and encourage them to join you. Personalize the pre-written social media posts, emails, and other assets across your networks! Check back in November 2023 for your Speaker Marketing Kit.
Speaker Coaching
Interested in reviewing more than just logistics? Check out TSHA’s Speaker Coaching page to learn best tips and tricks for presenting.
Speaker Coaching Page
How Do I Submit My Final Presentation and Handouts?
All primary presenters will receive access to our speaker portal to submit your final presentation and handouts. To submit your final presentation and handouts, log into the speaker portal and navigate to the “Upload Presentation Slides” task.
Please upload your final PowerPoint Presentation(s) in the task labeled, “Upload Presentation Slides.” Use the included TSHA PowerPoint template for your presentation. All handouts and resources must be uploaded in the speaker portal by February 9, 2024. If you have multiple handouts, please combine them into a single PDF file before uploading.
For presentations with multiple presenters, only the primary presenter will be able to upload materials. If you need assistance, please contact
Speaker Office Hours
There will be three optional speaker coaching office hours hosted by Lori Cochran. While it is not required, it is highly encouraged to attend one of the sessions.
- Thursday, November 9, 2023 12-12:30 PM CT (30 min)
- Tuesday, December 12, 2023 12-12:30 PM CT (30 min)
- Wednesday, January 31, 2024 12-1PM CT (1 hour)
Use the following Zoom links to register:
Thursday, November 9
Tuesday, December 12
Wednesday, January 31
Hotel and Travel
TSHA is excited to host the 2024 Annual Convention at the Omni Fort Worth Downtown Hotel & Fort Worth Convention Center!
The Texas Speech-Language- Hearing Association has set aside a block of rooms at three local hotels with special rates. Please note your registration does not include a hotel room. Hotel reservations must be made separately.
Hilton Fort Worth Hotel
815 Main St,
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Standard Room Rate: $215 per night, + tax and fees
Room Rate Inclusions: Complimentary Wireless internet in all guestrooms
How to Secure a Room Reservation: Available Rooms - Hilton Fort Worth
Booking Deadline: Tuesday, January 23, 2024, or until our room types sell out our (whichever comes first). After this date, reservations will be accepted by the hotel based on availability and at the hotel's prevailing rate.
Hotel Cancellation Policy: A deposit equal to one night’s room and tax will be processed at the time of booking. Deposit will be refundable if notice of cancellation is given to the hotel at least 24 hours prior to arrival.
Omni Fort Worth Hotel
Booking Deadline: Tuesday, January 23, 2024, or until our room types sell out our (whichever comes first). After this date, reservations will be accepted by the hotel based on availability and at the hotel's prevailing rate.
Hotel Cancellation Policy: A deposit equal to one night’s room and tax will be processed at the time of booking. Deposit will be refundable if notice of cancellation is given to the hotel at least 72 hours prior to arrival.
Sheraton Fort Worth Downtown Hotel
1701 Commerce Street,
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Standard Room Rate: $189 per night + tax and fees
Student Room rate: $129 + tax and fees
Room Rate Inclusions: Complimentary Wireless internet in all guestrooms
How to Secure a Room Reservation: Book Your Group/Corporate Rate | Marriott International
Booking Deadline: Tuesday, January 23, 2024, or until our room types sell out our (whichever comes first). After this date, reservations will be accepted by the hotel based on availability and at the hotel's prevailing rate.
Hotel Cancellation Policy: A deposit equal to one night’s room and tax will be processed at the time of booking. Deposit will be refundable if notice of cancellation is given to the hotel at least 24 hours prior to arrival.
Please visit the Travel page for additional information on staying in Fort Worth.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I promote my session?
The 2024 TSHA Speaker Marketing Kit will be available in November 2023.
Do I need to register for the 2024 Annual Convention?
All speakers are responsible for completing their registration for the Convention. Registration will open in November 2023. You are responsible for the cost of your Convention registration (unless otherwise indicated by TSHA). If you have any questions, contact
Do I need to make my hotel reservation?
You are responsible for your own travel and hotel arrangements and expenses (unless otherwise indicated by TSHA). Further details will be available in late fall 2023.
What A/V equipment will be available in my presentation room?
All breakout rooms are equipped with LCD projector, projection screen, slide advancer, wired lavaliere microphone, and laptops equipped with Microsoft Office 2016. Additional microphones will be available for sessions with multiple speakers. If you have any other AV requirements, please submit your requests to no later than six weeks out from the convention. All requests are subject to review by the Programming Committee.
All session rooms will NOT have Wi-Fi internet access. Please make sure you plan accordingly.
How do I update my presentation information after the due date?
The TSHA Programming Committee has sent you the information we currently have on file specific to your session(s).
Please note that your abstract and biography may have been edited for style and consistency for our marketing collateral.
To submit changes to the session information you received from the Programming Committee or to add a new co-presenter, you must contact and submit your updated session information to be included on the TSHA website. Session edits will be updated on the website within five business days.
How do I update my profile?
Please take the time to update your profile including company and contact information. This ensures you will receive important communications regarding your session and guarantees your profile is mobile-friendly for the mobile app.
All presenters will receive access to our speaker portal to submit your profile details. To update your profile information, log into the speaker portal and navigate to the “Update Profile Information” task.
How can attendees view information about my session?
The convention agenda will be available for viewing in Fall 2023!